Thank you for visiting us.
We are a Bible believing Christian church. Our desire is to genuinely live out the love and truth of Christ as a family. Our prayer is that we can be a true blessing to one another in and beyond the church family. We have experienced the blessed power of Christ, each in a very unique way, and we would like to share our stories with you. Please let us know how we may serve you. |
謝謝您的到訪,我們真誠的歡迎您的來到。非常希望您以後能常到我們中間一起互相交往與學習。 我們是信仰純正,以聖經的教導為基礎的基督教會,我們深信學習聖經真理能使人得永恒的真福。我們中間大部份的人都曾經歷真神的恩典。祂能將生命中的腐敗轉化為神聖,也能賜使人得喜樂、平安、智慧與力量。 我們希望能夠成為您的祝福。歡迎您聯絡我們。我們熱誠邀請您參加我們的聚會。 |
谢谢您的到访,我们真诚的欢迎您的来到。非常希望您以后能常到我们中间一起互相交往与学习。 我们是信仰纯正,以圣经的教导为基础的基督教会,我们深信学习圣经真理能使人得永恒的真福。我们中间大部份的人都曾经历真神的恩典。祂能将生命中的腐败转化为神圣,也能赐使人得喜乐、平安、智慧与力量。 我们希望能够成为您的祝福。欢迎您联络我们。我们热诚邀请您参加我们的聚会。 |
Meeting | Schedule |
Sunday Service | Sunday 10:30 am |
Mandarin Sunday School | Sunday 8:30 am |
Cantonese Sunday School |
Sunday 8:30 am Please contact Albert Ng: |
Prayer Meeting | Wednesday 7:30 pm |
Enyo Fellowship | Friday 7:30 pm |
YoAi Fellowship | Friday 7:45 pm |
Catonese Fellowship |
Second/Fourth Friday 7:30 pm Contact Kelly, |
Joy Fellowship | Second Thursday 10:00 am |